Thursday, July 11, 2013

The 10 Most Common STDs | ActiveBeat

It?s kind of puzzling that sexually transmitted diseases are so prevalent?particularly when you consider that you have to get pretty up close and personal to contract one. An STD is characterized by any disease that is spread by one partner to another via sexual contact, and that can be orally, vaginally, anally, or via hand to genital contact. Regardless, they are spread when one partner passes the disease-causing organism on to the other. Obviously, preventing STD transmission is first and foremost by practicing safe sex. However, if you think you might have contracted one of the most common STDs, recognizing the disease is imperative for swift treatment and further spreading.

Here are the ten most common STDs and the primary symptoms associated with each infection?

1. Gonorrhea

The Centers for Disease Control estimate that 700,000 new cases of Gonorrhea, or the ?clap?, crop up every year. This long-term STD that is spread bacterially, affecting a female?s cervix, a male?s urethra, or the throat in both sexes, which means that it?s transmitted by vaginal, oral, and anal sex. The symptoms of gonorrhea are pretty subtle; the most noticeable being burning when urinating or a yellowish penile discharge in men.


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